Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Questions in marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inquiries in advertising - Coursework Example Acknowledgment of the presence of factor outside the control of the business causes associations to keep a receptive outlook with respect to the vulnerabilities that exist. Through roper vital arranging firms are in a superior situation to make these vulnerabilities work in their bit of leeway. Contemporary speculations of the executives likewise underline on the unavoidable factor of progress and vulnerability that influences associations in all aspects of the world. The genuine quality of a business lies in following that it is well-prepared to confront any unexpected test that it could experience. The ecological space comprises of components that influence an association (Covin and Slevin, 1989). It comprehensively incorporates five zones of concentrate in particular: Competition, clients, assets, laws and political framework and innovation. The opposition sets up advertise patterns and it is basic that an association knows about the up and coming patterns so it can coordinate or outperform its rivals offering. The clients influence the interest side of an associations offering and has a critical impact in forming the structure case request designs that the organization can anticipate. By considering the customers’ associations likewise get a thought with respect to their necessities so they can change their contribution to suit the requests of its objective market. Assets allude to hierarchical resources that are constrained and should be used at their ideal level. It is the activity of the chiefs to choose the best way to deal with using their crude materials and HR s uch that makes them effective and not abused. One of the most significant elements for the ecological investigation is the investigation of the laws and political frameworks of the nation it works in. Globalization has caused it basic for firms to redistribute a considerable lot of its capacity, spreading over the elements of this factor to even the nations it re-appropriates its parts or procedures from. For instance, Nike utilized

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rpo Challenges and Opportunities Essay Example

Rpo Challenges and Opportunities Essay An exploration report arranged by HCI Research Recruitment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities A Research Study Conducted by the Human Capital Institute for Futurestep Human Capital Institute | Futurestep | January 2009 Futurestep, a Korn/Ferry Company, is the business chief in vital ability securing, offering completely redid, adaptable answers for assist associations with meeting explicit workforce needs. Vital RPO from Futurestep consolidates ability securing system, worldwide enrolling assets, competency-based strategies and an adaptable assistance conveyance model that empower customers to recognize, pull in and hold top ability. Notwithstanding Strategic RPO, the organization gives a full-range arrangement of administrations, including: Project-Based Recruitment, Mid-Level Recruitment, Interim Professionals and Consulting Services. With areas on four landmasses and a record of accomplishment in making sure about top ability around the globe, Futurestep gives the experience and worldwide reach to assist organizations with transforming ability obtaining into an upper hand. In 2008, Futurestep was named as a major aspect of the yearly Baker’s Dozen rundown of top RPO suppliers by HRO Today Magazine. To get familiar with Futurestep and its total cluster of Strategic Talent Acquisition arrangements, visit futurestep. com. Human Capital Institute The Human Capital Institute (HCI) is an impetus for imaginative new deduction in ability procurement, advancement, arrangement and new economy authority. Through research and coordinated effort, our worldwide system of in excess of 130,000 individuals creates and advances inventiveness, best and next practices, and noteworthy arrangements in key ability the executives. We will compose a custom paper test on Rpo Challenges and Opportunities explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Rpo Challenges and Opportunities explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Rpo Challenges and Opportunities explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Officials, professionals, and thought pioneers speaking to associations everything being equal, across open, magnanimous and government divisions, use HCI people group, instruction, occasions and research to cultivate ability favorable circumstances to guarantee authoritative change for serious outcomes. Pair with these activities, HCI’s Human Capital Strategist proficient accreditations and assignments set the bar for ability in ability technique, procurement, advancement and estimation. www. humancapitalinstitute. organization Enlistment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities Recruitment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities By Dr. Ross Jones, Senior Researcher/Analyst, Human Capital Institute Executive Summary Organizations redistribute enlistment and recruiting rehearses for some reasons. Some may do not have the interior assets to address their ability procurement needs. Others might need to concentrate on center capabilities, or to search for an upper hand in going after ability. Whatever the reasons, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a developing practice. In spite of this development, constrained data exists on the patterns in RPO use, the particular enlistment rehearses it incorporates, and how well it is being done. Review To increase a superior comprehension of today’s RPO rehearses, we overviewed 381 business experts who have knowledge about their companies’ ways to deal with RPO. In the overview, we investigated ebb and flow or arranged utilization of RPO, the overarching meanings of RPO, enlisting practices and worker levels secured by RPO, the business case and drivers, Return on Investment (ROI), and selecting rehearses that make the best RPO. Copyright  © 2009 Human Capital Institute. All rights held. Enrollment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities Findings The review results uncover a few patterns about the reception of RPO today, the definition and extent of the training, and present and future ROI openings. Reception: More than half of organizations use RPO. 59 percent of associa tions overviewed at present redistribute a few or the entirety of their enrolling forms. 50 percent state they will utilize RPO in the following five years. Another 20 percent are uncertain. Degree: most of current RPO bargains spread specific practices for strategic necessities. Among clients, the most widely recognized meaning of RPO is the re-appropriating of some selecting exercises for certain degrees of representatives, with 36 percent of respondents picking that particular definition. All the more for the most part, 73 percent of respondents acknowledge a RPO definition that incorporates some type of chose re-appropriating of enlisting administrations for chose levels of workers. The selecting administration considered generally essential to organizations’ ability procurement objectives, Active Recruiting, is the second in all likelihood administration to be re-appropriated. Be that as it may, RPO rehearses that emphasis on vital ability requirements (for instance, ability procedure improvement/counseling) are redistributed less much of the time. return for money invested: Strategic accentuation corresponds with expanded RPO esteem among respondents. Just 39 percent of associations rate the ROI for their current RPO program as great or astounding. Conversely, associations that utilization a RPO way to deal with envelop longer-term key needs, for example, workforce arranging, business marking and competency the board, are fundamentally bound to report great ROI for their enlistment re-appropriating. An Opportunity for Competitive Advantage The aftereffects of our examination show an across the board utilization of RPO to concentrate on strategic enrolling rehearses. In any case, they additionally show that those associations utilizing RPO as an ability securing way to deal with address vital necessities are considerably more prone to catch the full estimation of RPO, as confirm by their altogether more noteworthy ROI. The underutilization of this vital methodology today implies that there is a quick open door for associations to embrace RPO to accomplish a comprehensive ability procurement procedure, increment ROI, and improve intensity in today’s commercial center. associations ordinarily start utilizing RPO by redistributing strategic practices first and, with developing development of the procedure, will re-appropriate vital practices later. Overview results show that those associations that do advance toward an increasingly key way to deal with RPO will receive benefi ts for their endeavors. 2 Copyright  © 2009 Human Capital Institute. All rights saved. Enlistment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities RPO in Today’s Economic Environment recently November 2008, the monetary atmosphere is changing consistently. To check how the progressing financial emergency will influence RPO throughout the following two years, we led a short follow-up review of 86 ability obtaining specialists working for a wide scope of associations. We asked them the accompanying three inquiries: 1. Given the current monetary downturn, what pattern do you foresee for the re-appropriating of enlisting rehearses in your association throughout the following two years? 2. Accepting that your general enrolling spending will diminish throughout the following one to two years, what will be the pattern for your spending on Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)? 3. Would your association re-appropriate vital selecting rehearses (e. . , ability system improvement, boss marking, enlistment arranging) IF it brought about an expanded Return on Investment (ROI) for your ability obtaining process? The reactions to the principal question point to the vulnerability grasping organizations today †both due to the scope of reactions a nd by the way that the biggest gathering of respondents is the unsure one. 17 percent accept that their redistributing of selecting practices will diminish. 30 percent won't redistribute selecting rehearses. 14 percent accept that their re-appropriating will stay unaltered. 6 percent accept that their re-appropriating will increment. 3 percent are uncertain about future patterns. Notwithstanding, numerous associations are available to the likelihood that RPO, especially whenever concentrated on vital business needs, can be an instrument to contend during troublesome financial occasions. The principal sign of this comes out of the responses to the second inquiry above †specifically that 44 percent of respondents are available to the likelihood that, regardless of whether their general enrollment spending decays, their organization’s interest in RPO may increment. In particular, while just four percent accept that their RPO spending will build, 40 percent are uncertain abo ut the eventual fate of their association. Once more, while featuring the present vulnerability about what should and will be possible later on, this outcome brings up that numerous associations stay open to the chance of expanding their RPO spending plan later on. 3 Copyright  © 2009 Human Capital Institute. All rights saved. Enrollment Process Outsourcing: Today’s Challenges and Opportunities Finally, as the figure beneath appears, the responses to the third inquiry demonstrate that vital RPO might be the response for some, associations hoping to streamline their interest in ability procurement. Truth be told, 78 percent of our respondents are either utilizing a deliberately engaged RPO exertion presently, would utilize it later on, or, in any event, have not precluded it. The way that 52 percent of respondents are uncertain if their associations would move to a key RPO, regardless of whether it may build their ROI, again focuses to the vulnerability of today’s financial condition. Notwithstanding, it likewise features a silver coating †that a larger part of organizations will stay open to expanding interest in RPO as a rule, and key RPO specifically, in the event that it causes them contend in the complex ecological atmosphere of things to come. Would you re-appropriate

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Is Job Corps and How Can You Use It for Career Advancement

What Is Job Corps and How Can You Use It for Career Advancement If you can name three things that you need in your life in order to live comfortably and contentedly (if not happily), what would they be? Lots of money? A whole family? A ton of friends? Significant business connections?You can probably come up with a list as long as your arms â€" both of them â€" and, on that list, there is a very high probability that “having a stable job with a very good pay” is one of them. Well, maybe not in those exact words, but something along those lines. Having a stable job, with more than decent salary and benefits, as well as additional perks that come with it, is what many jobseekers want. Straight out of college, fresh graduates immediately start sending in feelers and submitting their resumes to the top companies, hoping they will receive a call informing them that they are being considered for this or that position.UNFORTUNATELY, FINDING A JOB IS NOT AS EASY AS WE’D HOPED IT’D BE…If you look at the trend of labor statistics in recent years, it is clear that there are a lot of people who still do not have a job.The latest news release of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that, as of November 2016, the total unemployment rate in the US is 4.6%. For what it’s worth, however, this figure is 0.3% lower than the rate registered during the previous month of October (at 4.9%). It has actually shown a steady decline, especially if you compare it with the unemployment rate one year ago, on November 2015, when the unemployment rate was pegged at 5%.Apparently, the main reasons for unemployment among the respondents are job loss and the completion of temporary jobs. This implies a shortage of jobs, so people are going for practically anything temporary, including the jobs which do not last long enough to qualify as gainful employment in the first place. Just look at how many dozens of hopefuls are going up for a single position in a company. So many jobseekers, but so few jobs.At times like these, jobseekers look for other ways and means to find job prospects. You’ve probably gone through most of these processes yourself. Pored over the yellow pages? Went over the classifieds section of the dailies to look for potential job postings? Signed up in online job communities and job portals and uploaded your resume on each and every single one of them? Became a member of various organizations and groups so you can expand your network for your job search?You may also have enlisted the help of fami ly members, friends and acquaintances to be on the lookout for potential job openings that you’d be perfect for. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially in this day and age where even job-hunting has become really competitive. Let’s face it: you’ll need all the help you can get.Well, guess what? There is another direction you can turn to if you want to cover all your bases and get as much help as you can. The best part? You can get started even at a young age. This “help” comes in the form of the Job Corps.AN INTRODUCTION TO THE JOB CORPSJob Corps is a program with the ultimate goal of helping young people find, and keep a good job. It is pretty much what you’d hear most student training programs geared for future employment claim to be their main purpose. What makes Job Corps different from them? Or, the more important question would be: what makes Job Corps so much better?Job Corps is an education and training program administered by the US Department of Labor (D OL), for free, by virtue of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOA) of 2014, as part of its Employment and Training Administration (ETA) initiative. Its implementation is in collaboration with the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services, since the focus is on the disadvantaged youth, who need direction so they can have careers and be comfortable later in life.It has quite a long history, having been launched and operational since 1964, and now becoming the largest education and training program specifically for disadvantaged youth. According to the DOL, Job Corps is able to help around 100,000 young people annually, and has guided more than 1.5 million youths toward a brighter future.To understand better what Job Corps is, and to know what good it can offer, let us dissect it further, shall we? Here are the questions most people have about Job Corps.a) Is it like a course you’d take in college or at a conventional school? What can you lea rn from it?Yes, Job Corps is an education and training program, but it doesn’t strictly follow the school format we’re familiar with.Through Job Corps, you can learn the “all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life”. Learning a career is a long and hard road, and certainly not something that can be learned overnight.There are a lot of factors involved, and definitely a lot of learning to do, and Job Corps addresses that with its comprehensive array of offerings, such as:basic education that is competency-basedvocational and skills practical trainingoccupational exploration, introducing the students to their varied options from a wide spectrum of occupational tradesjob placement services for students after they have completed the programb) Do you have to pay for any tuition or other fees?Nope. Job Corps is a free program. Qualified students to the Job Corps are not expected to pay for the education and trainings that they will undergo under the program. If you are eligible, you will get all the offerings of the program for free.c) Is it open for all ages?We wish. But Job Corps is structured and designed so that it is aimed at young people, or young men and women between the ages of 16 and 24.Does this mean that anyone who reaches 16 years old is qualified?Not automatically. You see, candidates have to meet several criteria for eligibility to qualify for the offerings within the program. We will go into more detail a bit later on what these criteria are.d) Can anyone meeting the age requirement qualify for Job Corps’ offerings?As mentioned above, they have to be assessed as to their eligibility. And one of these criteria considers whether they are “disadvantaged” or not. Job Corps, after all, is designed for the disadvantaged youth, such as those who are from low income backgrounds or those deemed to have fewer chances than others to achieve education and other benefits.e) Is it restricted to a specific period?Job Corps is a full-ti me program, and it is unlike regular schooling, which has a specific school year to or term to stick to. At most, students undertaking the Job Crops can do so for two years, during which they can accomplish or complete the program at their own pace. It is completely voluntary, so you can leave or stop at any time you want to.f) Is it conducted in a specific location or place of study?The program is available in 48 states of the United States and the District of Columbia. It is also being administered in Puerto Rico. This means that the program has a wider reach.According to the DOL, Job Corps is residential, with 90% of the students taking up the program in their own homes or places of residences, while the remaining 10% do so in the designated Job Corps centers on a regular basis.As we go along, we will learn more about the finer details of Job Corps, and how it can be used specifically for career advancement.HOW TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR JOB CORPS?Once you’ve learned the basics about J ob Corps, you must be curious as to how you can qualify to getaccepted in the program.We’ve already made it clear that not everyone can qualify for Job Corps, and that there are specific criteria that must be met. Now we will take a look at what those eligibility criteria are.You must be a citizen of the United States, or a permanent resident alien that has been legally admitted into the country and granted permission to be employed. You must have all the documentation ready to prove your identity and citizenship.You must be between the ages of 16 and 24 at the time of enrolment into the program. The maximum age may be waived if you havea disability, and it has been properly documented. If you are still a minor, you have to obtain a consent form, duly signed by your parent or guardian. If, on the other hand, you are already a parent, you can only apply if you can prove that you have a child-care plan in place.You must be considered specifically as “economically disadvantaged”, such as having low income, or coming from a family on or below the poverty line, therefore requiring public or government assistance. Examples are runaways or foster children who have no other means to support themselves. Parents with no means to support their child financially are also prospective students. Take note that you have to prove your inability to get education and training under normal circumstances.You must have been a high school dropout, or in need of additional education or training in order to be able to get a job.If your skills in reading, writing and arithmetic are considered to be below the eighth-grade level, this means that you will have a hard time getting a job. Additional training obtained through Job Corps will definitely solve that problem.You must not have any serious medical, psychological or behavioral problems, which can potentially interfere with, or hinder, the process of learning of the other students taking the program. This means that you should also be drug-free or not have any problems with alcoholism or other forms of addiction.You must come from a disruptive environment. You may have grown up in an environment that is not conducive to learning, so you’ll need reinforcement, which can be provided by Job Corps.After going through all that, are you qualified for Job Corps? FOUR PHASES OF JOB CORPSJob Corps has identified four phases within its system. By going through these four phases, you’ll have a clearer picture on how the whole program works.Phase 1. Outreach and Admissions (OA)This is the first step, when you are still applying to become a Job Corps student. Here, you will be briefed on what Job Corps is all about and how it can help you start your career. You will also be given a sneak peek on what it will be like to learn and work on a Job Corps center in the duration of your enrolment in the program, emphasizing your duties and responsibilities.Naturally you will have to choose which center you’d want to lea rn and work at, so you will also be told about the vocational courses that the center you are eyeing has to offer.Phase 2. Career Preparation Period (CPP)You will reach this stage when you’ve been admitted into the program and become a Job Corps student. The CPP covers your first 60 days with the program, where you will learn, demonstrate and practice the personal responsibility skills and job search skills that will be required at the workplace. Examples are basic proficiency in languages and knowledge in computer and office applications.It is also during this phase that you will get to create your own personal career development plan, which you will commit to for the entire duration of the program, and even after having completed it. Don’t worry if you are at a loss on how to prepare it, because you will be aided by Job Corps staff.Phase 3. Career Development Period (CDP)At this point, you will move past personal skills and focus on learning and practicing industry-related ski lls. This includes learning about technical and academic skills specific to the career program that you have committed yourself to.You will get to learn and improve your interpersonal communication skills and social skills. If you’re going to aim, then you gotta aim high, which is why you should also be eyeing the improvement of your problem-solving skills.This is the phase where you will start the job search process. You will also be equipped with the knowledge and skills that will prepare you for living independently.Phase 4. Career Transition Period (CTP)Congratulations! Reaching this stage means that you have completed the program and you are already a Job Corps graduate. What is in store for you in this phase?This is where you will successfully get your first job after completion of the Job Corps program. Since it is a transition period, the Job Corps center and the staff that have aided you throughout the program will help and guide you along the way, so you won’t be compl etely at a loss. They will help you in finding living accommodations suitable for your needs. You might also need family support services so that you can continue working. Examples are child care services and elderly care services.Throughout this period, you can remain in contact with the Job Corps center and its service providers, especially when you still need some assistance in one way or another. A Career Transition staff member will be there to help you along.This is not forever, though, because it will last up to 21 months after you have graduated from the program.JOB CORPS FOR CAREER ADVANCEMENTOne of the perks of being in the Job Corps program is having cost savings, since you’ll get to acquire knowledge and training for free and, in the process, also receive health and dental care, clothing allowances and the like.But we’ve come to the most important question: how can Job Corps help you, exactly, in building your career and advancing onward and upward? Let us count the ways.Job Corps will provide the training and education you need.This is the main advantage or benefit that students in the Job Corps will enjoy.Career programsThere are more than 100 career programs that you can choose from, depending on your interest and preferences. With so many career programs and topics, you can be sure that there is a wide spectrum for you to take your pick from.The topics range from the practical to the technical, so you will find included options such as accounting, business management and administration, information technology, health care, office administration, retail sales, and environmental and medical fields.Vocational courses are also on offer, such as carpentry, automotive repair, machining, welding, plumbing and heavy truck driving. Special interests are also catered to, such as culinary arts, landscaping, hospitality, and child development, to name a few.By the way, did you know that high school dropouts can actually erase that tag? Yes, Job Corps a lso helps high school dropouts in earning their high school diploma. If that is not possible, they could still get the equivalent General Education Development diploma instead.Special coursesIt doesn’t have to be a full course similar to an associate degree, because even special short courses may also be given. These courses are specially designed to equip you with special additional skills and knowledge that will help you along.A popular example is the Limited English Proficiency course for those who are learning English. This is mostly sought by resident aliens who want to work in the U.S. but have to overcome the language barrier.A great thing about Job Corps being involved in this is how the program is often linked with local and state colleges, so that any credits earned during the program can be transferred and carried over into the curriculum of the college, should you decide to go back to formal schooling later on.On-the-Job trainingsOf course, it is a fact that even those with lots of technical knowledge will still end up incompetent when in the actual workplace, because they haven’t had the chance to practice or apply the theoretical knowledge that they have acquired.Well, you’ll feel better knowing that Job Corps will also let you get hands-on experience. You will actually get to apply the knowledge you’ve gained from your classes and lectures in actual work sites. This way, you will get a feel of the real working environment.You’ll definitely feel more prepared to jump into the fray once you’ve graduated from the program, and that level of comfort and familiarity will put you at ease immediately, so you won’t have trouble getting into the swing of things.Job Corps will provide post-program career assistance.This is another amazing benefit of Job Corps. Usually, universities and state colleges are “done” with their students once they have graduated. If you are a Job Corps graduate, you can still get assistance from the program even after you are finished with it.Job placement is one area where everyone needs help â€" not just Job Corps graduates. Job Corps graduates can have more opportunities in finding a job in a high-growth industry because the Job Corps will provide that much needed aid.Other post-program career assistance that can be enjoyed by Job Corps graduate, which will aid their way up the career ladder, include aid for housing, transportation, and child care.It is clear and simple: Job Corps does not provide or offer jobs. It is not a job portal or a job search program or company that you can tap into to look for a job. You cannot expect to walk through their doors, tell them you need a job, then be given one immediately. That’s not how it works. It’s a collaboration; they’ll give the opportunity, you’ll provide the effort. Together, you will get the results that you want, which is to prepare you for a career that will take you places and improve your way of life.Are you planning on applyi ng for the Job Corps program? If you meet all the eligibility criteria, and you are determined to make it work then, by all means, do so. Job Corps is there to help you out, so might as well take advantage of it, don’t you think?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

In Favor of Gay Marriage Essay - 525 Words

In the twentieth century, America has undergone vast changes in family styles. Because of the increase in many gays and lesbians speaking out, we see a new emphasis on the word family. Many gays and lesbians have decided to come out of the closet shaking up an issue that has made a ruckus between Americans (Carey 2). We find that the Defense of Marriage Act states that marriage should be between one man and one woman for federal purposes; but is this fair? The United States was founded on the belief of equality, loyalty, and justice for all. The phrase for all means for everyone; not everyone besides gays and lesbians. One issue that has struck Americans is that gays and lesbians want to adopt children and start a family. If gays†¦show more content†¦(Stone 4). There are many ways that gays and lesbians have found to adopt children which are: adoption, same-sex adoption, second parent adoption, co-parent adoption. Many states recognize adoption rights for same sex marriage, but it is not a law for states to recognize it. People against same-sex marriage argue that it is unhealthy for a child to have parents of the same sex. They believe that children should have a role model of a woman and a man in their lives. Studies show that children raised by homosexual parents are not disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to the children of heterosexual parents...none of the studies support the claims that children ...will have serious emotional, intellectual, or social development problems because of their parents sexual orientation (Wald 5-7). Gays and lesbians also face the issue of rights when their spouse dies. Even in cases where wills are present, family members have sued for burial rights, property etc., on grounds of dementia or undue influence (Demian 2). There have been many cases were gay or lesbian partners had no input on medical decisions for their significant other. Many states have overlooked the issue of gays and lesbians hoping to let the issue become silent. Vermont is the only state making progress to allow gays and lesbians to wed. The state has granted full equal rights to married couples regardless of gender (Landmark 2). AmericansShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage1280 Words   |  6 Pagesburrows, but flamboyantly celebrate their identities. The gays are now a people willing and ready to be heard. It has come to all of our attentions that in the light of marriage they have been depraved and deceived. Homosexuals cannot allow this persecution to continue, as they are constantly forfeited equal rights. The arguments are of lifestyle differences and the legalized discrimination of these people. It encompasses same-sex marriage as a cause worth fighting and defending so that we all mayRead More210243 gay marriage Essays999 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ The Controversies Surrounding Gay Marriages: How Much the Fabric of Society Can Withstand Student’s name: Institution: Abstract The issue of gay marriages has been discussed for quite a while from a number of perspectives; however, its economic aspects are rarely touched upon. In their article Firms balk at gay weddings, Nathan Koppel and Ashey Jones shed some light on the controversy surrounding the provision of services regarding the arrangement of same sex weddings from the perspectiveRead MoreEssay on The Bond of Marriage1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe Bond of Marriage The argument to allow gay couples to marry has been a debatable topic for many years. The authors, Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett have conflicting beliefs to whether gay marriages should be permissible. Sullivan expresses his opinion of the right gays have to marry in his article â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Bennett retaliates with his own article opposing gay marriage. His article â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone,† relates his view that same-sex marriage is wrong and unethical.Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized Same Sex Marriage931 Words   |  4 Pagesright to marriage for same-sex couples in the state† (Jost, Gay Marriage Showdowns). However, there were people who opposed same-sex couples being allowed to marry and Proposition 8 was soon after introduced. Proposition 8 would be presented on ballots later that year and would amend the state constitution legalizing same-sex marriage and allow only for a man and a woman to be married (Jost, Gay Marriage S howdowns). However, California was not the first state to allow same-sex marriage. In 2003Read MoreThe Issue Of Immigration And Gay Rights1034 Words   |  5 Pageswell as throughout the world is immigration and gay rights. Today, many immigration and gay rights issues have arisen in numerous cases and have had controversial sides and opinions The issue of immigration has been a controversial topic between the Democratic and Republican parties. The idea of illegal immigrants having the choice to become a legal resident is a major distinction between the two parties. In general, Democrats are seen to favor immigration to the United States. The DemocraticRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1664 Words   |  7 Pages(1928-45) is more in favor of same-sex marriage. The primary component here is that â€Å"younger generations express higher levels of support for same-sex marriage† (Mitchell). As far as reflecting the change in attitudes, the data shows that older generations â€Å"have become more supportive of same-sex marriage in the past decade† (Mitchell). In relation to Lewis and Gossett’s research, their research aligns in their claim that people â€Å"born in each decade tend to be more accepting of gay relationships andRead MoreThe Debate On Marriage And Parenting Rights For Gay And1673 Words   |  7 Pagesdebate on marriage and parenting rights for gay and lesbian individuals has been one of the most hotly contested social issues in recent history. While many arguments are cited to prevent gay couples from enjoyin g equality, these arguments ultimately condense to concerns rooted in homophobia. Opponents of the LGBT community contend that same sex parenting contradicts the natural order of the world, subjects children to unnecessary societal stigma, and that the state has a right to favor heterosexualRead MoreHow Is Marriage Defined?1054 Words   |  5 Pages How is marriage defined? Any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious partd of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage. Sadly many religions still will not accept same sex marriage. A ruling by Massachusetts highest court that prohibitingRead MoreEquality for All: Gay Marriage Essay1430 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"below the majority† were usually victorious. With that said, there is an inevitable future for the homosexual community to be eventually equal to everyone else. The question remains, what justifies the right for a gay couple to have the same benefits as a heterosexual couple? Gay marriage has been a wide spread issue for quite a bit of time and multiple arguments have been made as to why it should not occur, but none of them stand valid against rights provided by the constitution. Many individualsRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1019 Words   |  5 PagesIn Defense of Gay Marriage Right now our country is still dealing with one of the bigger social issues that plagues our society. People will argue for and against it in many different ways, whether it be right or wrong. The issue at hand is whether gay marriage should be legal or illegal. There are arguments on both sides of the spectrum, but at the end of the day gay marriage should be legal in all 50 states. Marriage is a right and freedom that should not be denied to any one person because of

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Exclusion clauses in contracts - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1215 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Narrative essay Tags: Act Essay Contract Law Essay Did you like this example? The issue is whether the exclusion clause Coaches Ltd intends to rely on was incorporated into the contract, and if so whether it is effective in excluding Coaches Ltdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s liability. The first point is thus whether the exclusion clause was expressly incorporated into the contract. The clause was printed on the back of the invoice sent to Chelsea Ltd after the telephone booking. As the contract was oral and took place over the telephone, this means that the clause was not expressly agreed to by the parties at the time of making the contract, and it is trite law that a party cannot later unilaterally alter the terms of the contract: Olley v Marlborough Court [1949] 1 KB 532. However, the clause may have been incorporated into the contract at the time the contract was made impliedly. The relevant form of implied incorporation here is implication by course of dealing. For this to be established, three requirements must be met. The first is that there must be a course of dealing which was both consistent and regular: McCutcheon v David MacBrayne Ltd [1964] 1 All ER 430. In McCutcheon there had been dealings between the parties on four occasions prior to the one before the court, and the House of Lords found that this was an insufficiently consistent and regular course of dealing to imply a term into the contract. On the other hand, in Hardwick Game Farm v Suffolk Agricultural Poultry Producers Association [1969] 2 AC 31 there had been three or four dealings a month between the parties over a period of three years, totalling roughly one hundred dealings, and this was found to constitute a course of dealing sufficiently consistent and regular to warrant the implication of a term into the contract. Finally, in Hollier v Rambler Motors (AMC) Ltd [1972] 2 QB 71 there had been three or four previous dealings between the claimant and the defendant garage over the course of five years. Of these, only in two had the claima nt been asked to sign an invoice at the bottom of which the clause in question was printed. The Court of Appeal held, following McCutcheon, that the course of dealing was insufficient to justify the implication of the term into the contract. We are told that Chelsea Ltd had hired a coach from Coaches Ltd à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“without any problems for the last few yearsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , but we are not given sufficient information to establish, following the cases cited above, whether the course of dealing was sufficiently consistent or regular. The second requirement is that the document in question must have reasonably been expected by the parties to have contractual effect: Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council [1940] 1 KB 532. It could be argued that the invoice in the present instance was not a document which the parties would reasonably have expected to have contractual effect, particularly if the price was agreed over the phone, which would point towards the invoice being a m ere post-contractual receipt. This would result in the clause not having been expressly incorporated into the contract: Chapelton (above) and particularly Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1971] 2 QB 163. On the other hand, the document could have contractual effect if, for example, the telephone agreement was subject to the invoice, which had to be signed and returned to Coaches Ltd. Tied in with this is the third requirement that the clause in question must have been reasonably brought to the attention of the other party: Thompson v London, Midland Scottish Rly Co [1930] 1 KB 41. What is reasonable will depend on the content of the clause, as per Lord Denningà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s famous à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“red hand ruleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  comments in J Spurling v Bradshaw [1956] 1 WLR 461. We are told that the clause was written on the back of the invoice sent to Chelsea Ltd. It is unclear whether there was any reference to the clause on the front of the invoice, or whether Chelsea L td was required to sign the invoice or in any way take notice of it, or whether it was a mere receipt: whether the clause was reasonably brought to the attention of Chelsea Ltd would depend on these facts. Consequently, it seems that there are grounds to argue that the exclusion clause was not successfully incorporated into the contract, and that Coaches Ltd should therefore not be allowed to rely on it. However, supposing for the sake of argument that the clause had been incorporated into the contract, the second issue to be considered is its validity and effectiveness. The clause in question purports to exclude all liability for (i) personal injury and (ii) damage to customers or their belongings howsoever caused, and the two limbs will be considered separately. Section 2(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the Actà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ) precludes a party from relying on a term or notice to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury cause d by negligence (as defined in section 1(1)). Consequently, the first limb of the exclusion clause falls foul of this provision in relation to the purported exclusion of liability for personal injury caused by negligence, and is therefore void in this respect and cannot be relied on by Coaches Ltd. On the other hand, section 2(2) of the Act allows a party to rely on a clause excluding or restricting liability for damage other than death or personal injury caused by negligence, but only in so far as the clause is reasonable. The reasonableness test is set out in section 11(1), and is that the term must be one which it was fair and reasonable to include, having regard to the circumstances which were, or ought reasonably to have been, known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made. It is for Coaches Ltd to show that the clause is reasonable: section 11(5). Following the Court of Appeal decision in Stewart Gill Ltd v Horatio Myer Co Ltd [1992] QB 60 0, the clause cannot be severed by the court, and must be taken as a whole when considering reasonableness. As discussed above, the first limb falls foul of the Act, and this points very strongly towards the whole clause being unreasonable and therefore void. Further, liability is purportedly excluded rather than limited, and the clause is very broadly drafted, further factors which point towards unreasonableness. Finally, it should be noted that even if the clause were valid, it must cover the specific damage in issue to protect the defendant from liability. The approach adopted by the courts in construing exclusion clauses is contra proferentem, i.e. clauses will generally be construed against the party relying on it. However, recent cases such as McGeown v Direct Travel Insurance [2003] EWCA Civ 1606 suggest that the strict approach adopted in decisions such as Andrews Bros (Bournemouth) Ltd v Singer and Co Ltd [1934] 1 KB 17 has now been relaxed, particularly in view of the m odern approach to interpretation laid out in Investors Compensation Scheme v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 898. In conclusion, it is doubtful whether the clause was incorporated into the contract, and in any event the Act if very likely to prevent its operation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chitty on Contracts, 29th ed., Sweet Maxwell, 2004 Dobson, Charlesworthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Business Law, 16th ed., Sweet Maxwell, 1997 Keenan and Riches, Business Law, 7th ed., Longman, 2004 McKendrick, Contract Law, 6th ed., Palgrave, 2005 Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Sullivan Hilliard, The Law of Contract, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2006 Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Exclusion clauses in contracts" essay for you Create order

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Hunger Free Essays

Ending Child Hunger in America Studies prove that children that do not have enough food to eat do not do as well in school, they are likely to be sick more often, they are less likely to graduate high school – which in turn will keep them from going to college and in turn will have a negative Impact on their economic future. If these things happen then In the future that child will have a harder time providing for their children, thus causing a cycle In the effects of hunger. For this reason, It Is our duty as a society to do everything we an to ensure that these children have the resources available to them so that they can have the tools they need to prepare themselves to be functioning members of society In adulthood. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Hunger or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are currently more than sixteen million children In America whose families struggle to put food on the table – that’s one In five children In America. That number is astonishing. Millions of children In America are on free or reduced lunch plans at their schools; this allows them to have nutritious meal while at school. But what happens when they go home? What happens during the summer when kids are out of school for several months? Only one in seven children on free or reduced lunch plans receives summer meals. What happens to those other six children – who ensures that they have enough food to eat? The solution is simple – we need to end child hunger in America. There are many ways to do this. First, there are church programs locally that offer summer and weekend home meal plans to children that are on free and reduced lunch plans. One such church is Midtown Church in Benton, Arkansas. They’re program, known as the â€Å"Backpack Ministry† helps to provide weekend meals and snacks to children throughout the community who otherwise would not have anything to eat. Secondly, these types of programs should be better advertised and more easily accessible to those who need them. Access to programs is of utmost importance when ending child hunger. Next, education is vital – the parent’s of these children must learn and understand the effects that hunger can have on their children. They must be educated on good food hoicks for their children and what the best things they can give them are. They need to know where to go to get connected to the right people that can help them find access to these programs that are designed to end child hunger. Spreading awareness of child hunger can ago long way. If the public has knowledge of what the numbers look like in the world of child hunger, they would be more likely to take action. The public has a greater power than they realize – people have the power to promote change. How to cite Child Hunger, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Franchise Marketing for Upper House Legislators - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theFranchise Marketing for Upper House Legislators. Answer: Background The utterance of the word Senate, the collaboration of Upper House legislators in the Parliament can be attached. The characteristics of this group are skilled and experienced, as the decisions undertaken are of higher level and standards. As a matter of specification, the senate committee members undertake decisions on various subject matters. However, this assignment focuses on the exploitation of the workers possessing temporary visa. As a matter of specification, the issue of exploitation is indeed a matter of disgrace for a nation. In this crisis, the recommendations made by the Senate officials are a ray of hope for these workers. Countering this, the discussion, by shedding light on the pros and cons of franchising code of conduct in the workplace, measures the effectiveness of the phrase ray of hope[1]. Insight into the workplace aspects for franchisees In the workplace, the presence of code of conduct is a must in order to maintain order, harmony and decorum. Along with this, it guides the personnel to expose proper behavior for the enhancement of professionalism. This is applicable for each and every workplace. However, in case of the relationship between the franchisor and franchise, the code of conduct attains an important position. This is in reference to the situational conflicts, which arises between the parties due to difference of opinions. Delving deep into the process, companies and organizations hire franchisees in order to distribute the business operations equally, so that the projects at hand can be completed successfully[2]. Here, mere allocation of the franchisees does not serve the purpose. Efficient management techniques need to be applied for keeping a track of the performance and progress of the allocated tasks. Legislations are an important document for the companies and organizations in terms of avoiding the unwanted instances of crisis. Adherence and compliance to the code of conduct is crucial, for the franchisees, in terms of maintaining transparency in the business operations. One of the most important legislation in this direction is Fair Work Act (2009). The adjective fair relates to the possession of written drafts regarding the hiring of the franchisors and the responsibilities entrusted to them[3]. Absence of this draft makes the franchise marketing invalid, compelling the companies and organizations to encounter courtly interventions. This stains the reputation. Prior to indulging in contracts, both the franchisor and the franchise accept the terms and conditions by signing in a form, the written draft of which is preserved by the marketing personnel of the company. As a sequential step, a report is produced to the managers and board of directors regarding the acceptance of the offer of contract. In response of this, the higher authorities send an approval of the attached draft. This needs to be preserved as a record and evidence for averting any illegal instances. In spite of these evidences and records, companies and organizations indulge in illegal activities, especially in the contracts[4]. Difference of opinion has resulted in the advent of hostility between the personnel including the franchise and the franchisor. This has compelled the Senate members to recommend that in case of any violations in the code of conduct, the franchisor holds the right to fire the franchise agreement without any prior notice. However, there has to be valid grounds for this firing, absence of which questions the consciousness of the franchisor towards the activities, in which he indulges. Pros and cons of the proposed recommendation The first reading of the recommendation generates positive feeling in the minds of the readers. This is in reference to an assurance regarding revealing the indulgence into illegal activities. The major drive behind this is the word review. Review can be correlated to the courtly investigations, which itself discovers the violation of the code of conduct[5]. The aspect of termination is a matter of serious concern, as it puts the employment of the franchisees at stake. Neglecting the statements of the code of conduct is a disgrace for the companies and organizations in terms of reputation and status. In view of this connotation, the employment of the personnel attains a negative connotation. Another issue in this is the reasonable grounds for firing the franchise agreements. Countering this, agreement attains an important position in terms of the relationship between the franchisor and franchisees. This agreement is the evidence and proof of indulging in partnerships by both the parties. Rejection of the offer makes the contract invalid. Countering this, rejection of the offer does not result in the formation of contracts. If one of the parties accepts the offer and deviate from the terms and conditions, it is one of the reasonable grounds, which results in terminating the franchisees and the agreement stating their partnership in contracts[6]. There are various standards of performing the franchise contracts. Mainly these contracts occur on a state level. Within this, the government officials of law issues license for the companies to indulge into contracts such as franchisees. Adherence and compliance to the legal legislations and applying for the license is one of the positive aspects about the contractual agreements. Revealing conscious approach towards this adherence contradicts the aspect of termination in case of the franchise agreements. On the contrary, violation of the code of conduct or committing breaches in the contracts acts as a threat for the companies and organizations in terms of continuing their business operations in a legal format[7]. Herein lays the appropriateness of the aspect of cons. Taking cue from the reasonable grounds, absence of Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) aggravates the complexities of the companies in terms of legal considerations. This absence indicates disobedience towards the laws prescribed by the state for legal execution of the business operations. Moreover, this absence is the negation of the experience and orders of the Federal commission members, which puts the employment of the higher authorities at stake. These instances contradict the true essence of the fairness, which is evident in the name of the legislation, Fair Work Act (2009)[8]. In view of this contradiction, the aspects fairness and work cannot be placed in the same alignment. Here, the legislation is nullified, which makes the discussion invalid. However, the aspect of termination generates positive vibes in this negative ambience. Termination, at the first instance, projects tragic plight of the franchisees. However, termination of the franchise agreements is not a matter of serious concern as it can be created a fresh. Countering this, the renewal process is time consuming and complicated, which needs stable financial conditions. To make the terminations reasonable, the franchisors need to be skilled and efficient. The evidence of this fact lies in sending justifications to the higher authorities regarding the terminated franchise agreements[9]. Inability to send these drafts excavates the inadequacy of the franchisors in terms of indulging into contracts after a thorough review of the terms and conditions. Pondering upon the aspect of notice, it is an intimation towards the other party regarding the steps undertaken by the first party for fulfilling the terms and conditions of the contract. In case of discovery regarding indulgence in illegal activities, not giving notice and terminating the franchise agreement is legally accepted. Warning can be issued to the opponent party regarding the modification in their behavioral approach towards the contract. Maintenance of consistency in the negligent attitude validates the aspect of termination without notice. However, certain exceptions are bound to occur within the tenure of the contracts, where termination of the franchise agreements is not at all valid[10]. The next issue of discussion is believe. In most of the cases, it is seen that the personnel lack reality while narrating the instances to the higher authorities. Herein lays the weakness of possessing inadequate skills and knowledge from the perspective of franchisor. The judge needs to reveal rational approach in terms of announcing the verdicts for the violations and breach of contracts. This rationality involves the consideration of each and every aspect starting from indulging into the contracts till the closure of the contracts[11]. Interrogating the personnel, keeping in mind the ethical considerations, proves beneficial for the companies and organizations regarding the unnecessary courtly investigations. The previous sentence contradicts the inner essence of the fairness, which is crucial in terms of attaining large scale customer satisfaction. The word amendment in the recommendation generates hope regarding its speedy implementation. Providing access towards considerations of the merits projected by the companies and organizations is an offer in terms of indulging only in activities, which are legally correct in the eyes of law[12]. Consciousness of the personnel towards adherence of the propositions of the legislations places the pros parameter on a higher pedestal than the cons. This connotation omits the prefix dis from the word disgrace and adds grace and legality to the business operations. References Atwell, Courtenay, and Jenny Buchan. "The Franchise Fulcrum: The Legal System's Contributions to Research about Power and Control in Business Format Franchising."Journal of Marketing Channels21.3 (2014): 180-195. Barreto, Paula Mena, et al. "Good Faith in Franchising."Int'l J. Franchising L.13 (2015): 17. Buchan, Jenny, et al. "Franchisor Insolvency in Australia: Profiles, Factors, and Impacts."Journal of Marketing Channels22.4 (2015): 311-332. Buchan, Jenny. "Deconstructing the franchise as a legal entity: practice and research in international franchise law."Journal of Marketing Channels21.3 (2014): 143-158. Buchan, Jenny. "Government Policy to Support Franchisees."Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policy, Practice and Challenges(2016): 227. Corones, Stephen G.Competition law in Australia. Thomson Reuters Australia, Limited, 2014. Emerson, Robert W. "Franchises as Moral Rights." (2014). Kellner, Ashlea, et al. "We are very focused on the muffins: Regulation of and compliance with industrial relations in franchises."Journal of Industrial Relations58.1 (2016): 25-45. Martin, Paul. "Business law: What's in a name?: Substance is key in franchise agreements."LSJ: Law Society of NSW Journal2.5 (2015): 86. Rahim, Mia Mahmudur, and Iolani Brady. "The Collective Bargaining Authorization Provision for SMEs in the Australian Competition Law: Serving or Distorting a Public Benefit?."Competition and Regulation in Network Industries16.3 (2015): 288-306. Wiseman, Andrew, and Julia Kovarsky. "Australia-Regulatory Reform and Case Law Update."Int'l J. Franchising L.12 (2014): 31. Wright, Owen, and Hume Winzar. "Franchise system investment disclosure: signaling value to prospective franchisees."Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics26.3 (2014): 365-377.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bousille Et Les Justes Essays - Paul Hay Du Chastelet,

Bousille Et Les Justes Une quarantaine d'ann?e pass?es, il semble que les gens d?sordonnaient souvent leurs priorit?s. Dans la pi?ce Bousille et les Justes, Gratien G?linas fait transpirer plusieurs th?mes, en voici trois qu'il ?labore plus profond?ment. Premi?rement, il y a l'id?e de l'hypocrisie qui se rapporte ? plusieurs incidents cl?s dans la pi?ce. Ensuite il y a la fausse respectabilit? qui est tr?s ?vidente en plusieurs circonstances. Et en troisi?me lieu, la superstition religieuse est clairement d?montr?e. Pour d?buter, le motif de l'hypocrisie est bien ?labor? par l'auteur. Un personnage qui ?tablit parfaitement le r?le hypocrite est Phil Vezeau. ? un moment, Aurore et Henri s'inqui?tent de la r?putation de la famille si Aim? est condamn?. Phil, faisant son bigot dit: ** .... on est du bon monde, le petit J?sus ne nous laissera pas le nez dans la crotte** (p.17). Ceci montre qu'il ne prend pas l'affaire au s?rieux m?me s'il voit que les autres en souffrent. Un autre exemple est lorsqu'il parle ? Bousille. Ce dernier est nerveux pour le proc?s, il a peur de t?moigner car il ne veut pas mentir. Phil dit tout simplement ? Bousille qu'il devrait dire la v?rit? m?me s'il sait que Bousille ne peut pas ?tre v?ritable s'il veut qu'Aim? soit acquitt?. Ironiquement, il essaie plus tard de convaincre Bousille de parjurer. Un autre personnage significatif serait Henri qui dit ? Bousille qu'il r?ve qu'Aim? a frapp? Bruno Maltais une seconde fois. Il dit cela pensant que Bousille n'?tait pas assez intelligent pour savoir la diff?rence. Plus tard, il continue ? bombarder Bousille d'insultes. Il dit que **...le malheur avec [Bousille], c'est [qu'il] a la t?te enfl?e, en plus du genou.** (p.89). Ce dernier extrait d?montre la d?loyaut? d'Henri envers Bousille. Tous ces exemples prouvent que certains personnages dans cette pi?ce peuvent ?tre tr?s effront?s et hypocrites. En plus d'?tre gossiers, les personnages de cette oeuvre pr?sente une fausse respectabilit? entre eux. C'est ? dire que chaque fois que quelqu'un se tourne le dos, un autre le d?grade verbalement. Un exemple concret serait le manque de respect envers Bousille car il est lent. Par exemple, il y a un instant ou Aurore dit que Bousille est **...un chien de garde avec des b?quilles! ? peine assez d?lur? pour distinguer sa bottine gauche de sa bottine droit.** (p.27) Mais, lorsque Bousille se montre la face, Aurore lui traite comme un ?tre normal. Aussi, il serait facile ? voir cette insolence quand Henri et Aurore discutent ? propos de l'accident d'Aim? et de Bousille. Les deux montrent de la sympathie pour lui et lui font croire qu'il les doit quelque chose car ils ont pay? pour son hospitalisation. Mais, en v?rit? Bousille ne les doit rien et il aurait m?me pu poursuivre une charge juridique contre Aim?. Malgr? tout ceci, Henri a quand m?me l'audace de dire que ** [Bousille] aurait enc ore dix ans pour poursuivre qu'il serait trop b?te pour en profiter.** (p.77) Non seulement est-ce qu'ils traitent Bousille comme cela mais ils se traitent de cette fa?on entre eux aussi. Pour ?laborer, il y a la circonstance ou Aurore parle contre No?lla. Elle a bien parl? de No?lla pendant longtemps et tout d'un coup elle dit qu'il **...y a des jours o? [elle] se demande si elle est pour ou contre [eux]...** (p.28). Avec tout ceci, il est facile ? d?duire que l'auteur voulait mettre en ?vidence le th?me de la fausse respectabilit?. En plus de ces deux derniers th?mes, G?linas voulait aussi montrer la superstition qu'on les personnages envers leur religion. D'abord, il est vu que plusieurs entre eux demandent des faveurs aux saints et croient qu'ils peuvent les repayer en priant ou en faisant chanter des messes. Un cas exemplaire de ceci est lors du chapelet en famille. La m?re dit ? sainte Anne que **...si [elle l'exauce, elle lui promet] un beau p?lerinage en famille!**. (p.70) ? ce m?me moment, la m?re dit aussi ? la m?me sainte qu'elle **...va dire ce chapelet en [son] honneur...** (p.70) si elle fait qu'Aim? soit proclam? innocent. Les Grenons semblent aussi penser que s'ils sont loyaux ? leur croyances, ils auront la r?putation d'?tre du bon monde. Par exemple, ils croient fermement qu'ils devraient emmener le

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Write a Formal Essay †Get your Sophistication on! BestEssay.education

How to Write a Formal Essay – Get your Sophistication on! How to Write a Formal Essay – Get your Sophistication on! Much of the essay and paper writing that you do in school is formal. And you are writing formal essays all the time without realizing it – you just may not be getting the grades you should, because you don’t fully understand the nature of these types of essays, as opposed to other types. Here you will find all that you need to know about formal essay writing. First, to Define Formal Essay Writing The formal essay is, above all, objective and impersonal. It is a piece of writing that explains, that informs, that compares and contrasts, and that may also attempt to persuade. These type of essays are contrasted with such pieces as a narrative (telling a story) or a personal statement essay that a student might write for college or graduate school admissions. Think of the difference between using the pronoun â€Å"I† and the pronoun â€Å"he† or â€Å"one.† That is perhaps the simplest method of differentiating between formal and informal essays. The other difference between formal writing and informal writing is usually that formal types are based upon factual evidence and data, while informal types are based upon emotion, stories, and un-supported beliefs/views. The Formal Essay Format A formal essay must be at least five paragraphs long and consist of an introduction, at least 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. This probably sounds familiar to you; however, remember, that a personal statement essay also has the same format. Again, the difference is being personal or impersonal and objective. The Introduction: Obviously, this is the opening paragraph of your essay. It begins with some type of highly engaging sentence – a startling statistic, a quotation from a related famous expert on the topic, or a question that piques interest. The introduction must also state the topic and the thesis. Any formal essay must have a thesis statement, which provides the point you are trying to make. The thesis is usually the final sentence of the introduction. The Body: These are the paragraphs that will provide the information, evidence, etc. to prove your thesis statement. There may be any number, but there must be at least 3, and each must begin with a topic sentence. The Conclusion: Wrap up your points to demonstrate that your thesis is valid. Writing a Formal Essay of Various Types The structure and format for a formal will always be the same, no matter what type of essay you are writing. Here are some examples of formal essay topics based upon purpose/type: Expository: Explain the life cycle of a virus once it enters the human body. Definition: Define justice as it relates to our current court system in the U.S. Analysis: Analyze the poem, â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allen Poe Comparison/Contrast: Contrast the health care systems in the U.S. and Germany. Process: Explain the process by which ocean water is de-salinized Persuade: Convince an audience that prison privatization is a bad idea Contrast these topics with the following topics that are personal and informal. Describe a significant event in your life that impacted your belief system. Recall a time when you met with failure. Describe how and why you think you failed. What did you learn? Learning how to write a formal essay is not difficult – you already know the format. The key is to keep it objective – just the facts!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fashion Designer Parts 3 and 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fashion Designer Parts 3 and 4 - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Designer Parts 3 and 4" examines the role of fashion designer. Performance appraisals are not a kind of lecture that the supervisor gives to the workers. This kind of a meeting comprises of two-way communication, where the supervisors can enhance the efficiency of the workers not only by giving them feedback of their performance, but can also make the employees understand in which fields they can improve and how. Here the worker’s listening abilities are tested and it also provides the employees with an opportunity to seek any clarification they have regarding work. There are two methods to evaluate job performance of fashion designers, which can be measured using Barscale. Always ensure the availability of fabrics and apparels to facilitate the outline drawn previous to the commencement of the design production. They direct and coordinate the activities of personnel in â€Å"drawing, pattern making and sewing divisions† (Fashion Designer, n.d, par.8) to ensure the reflection of actual thought process of the designs created. Keep a keen eye on the changing global fashion trends and always remain updated with the latest trends. Usually draw inspiration and generate conceptual designs to propose extremely unique products. Occasionally provide direction and coordinate activities of personnel to produce original designs. Usually is aware of the changing fashion trend, but fails to be in synchronization with global design trends, pricing and preferences. Sometimes offers absolutely unique products.... Usually is aware of the changing fashion trend, but fails to be in synchronization with global design trends, pricing and preferences. Satisfactory: Sometimes offers absolutely unique products to the market by creating new designs, but often fails to keep abreast of consumer preferences. Outlines the designs to be created but does not ensure the availability of fabrics and apparels required for the production. Poor: Poor direction and coordination of activities of personnel. Fails to develop marketing strategies required to penetrate into new markets as well as lacks creativity and innovation in designs? 2. Behavior: Proper Communication with Supervisors, Peers and Customers Regarding Design Ideas, Establish and Maintain Customer Relationship Excellent: Always communicates with supervisors, subordinates and also with the clients of the organization. Designers often take advantage of the information gained from the discussions and knowledge regarding fashion to produce unique designs. Frequently coordinates with clients to get an insight into their tastes and preferences as well as get an idea about their outlook on the designs and make any alterations required as per their demand and also maintains excellent relationship. Better: Usually provides sample garments to display at fashion shows, but little communication with the supervisors, subordinates and clients. Better utilization of the information attained from the discussion with various groups, however a less preferences is given for the customer’s tastes and choices. Good: Sometimes there is communication with the supervisors, subordinates and clients, but mostly failure to make use of the information obtained from discussion. Provides sample garments for exhibition at fashion shows, often fails to

Monday, February 3, 2020

RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ASSIGNMENT - Research Paper Example Moreover, TCPD serves four districts of the Texas City. 1.B. The present Chief of TCPD is Robert Burby. Beneath the leadership and the direction of Police Chief, TCPD serves the Texas city with their primary objective which includes providing safety to the city people and reducing the crime along with creating a positive relationship within the communities among others. 1.C. Generally, the Chief rank is considered as the highest authority in the TCPD. With due consideration to this fact, it can be observed that in certain emergency situations the Chief Robert Burby takes orders or assistances from the Texas City Mayor Matthew T. Doyle and City Commissioners namely Mike Land, Dee Ann Haney, Thelma Bowie, Scooter Wilson and Dedrick D. Johnson, Sr. as well as Rick Wilkenfeld in order to take relative measures according to the prevailing situations. 1.D. Contextually, Robert Burby had been selected from outside of the department. This is because he had served several years in Law Enforce ment departments and also in the United States Air Force. He also served as a patrolman as well as was a member of 25th Judicial District Narcotics Task Force. He had served as the Chief of Police in City of Holy Springs, Mississippi before joining TCPD. A. The primary function of TCPD is to control or reduce the crime by keeping the police in the forefront of the community. Every officer is assigned to ensure a strong neighborhood vigil throughout the day of their service and to work as a crime stopper. 2 A. Is the law enforcement agency C.A.L.E.A. certified? If yes since what date? B. Is the law enforcement agency STATE accredited, if yes since what date? C. Sometimes only sections, like the communications unit, are C.A.L.E.A., if that's the case, then advise the details. 2.A. From the assessment of TCPD’s history it is revealed that the department is not certified under the C.A.L.E.A. 2.B. In the year 2004, under the leadership of the Chief Robert Burby, TCPD was honored b y the TCPA as the foremost Texas State Accredited Police Department. 2.C. TCPD’s none of the units has been certified under C.A.L.E.A. 3. A. Sworn personnel staffing number (How many sworn officers are there? - Do not give a phone number i.e. For example: MBPD has approx. 372 sworn personnel working. B. Civilian personnel staffing number- How many civilian personnel are there- for example: MBPD has approx. 249. 3.A. TCPD has 80 sworn officers who serve and operate the department’s operation or function. 3.B. TCPD’s force generally does not have any civilian personnel in the force. 4. Diversity- A. Provide the sworn personnel diversity total percentage? (example: 68% of the xxx agency or Dept. is classified as a minority). B. List either how many (actual number) or the percent that are White, African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latin, other, etc. 4.A. Approximately 30% of TCPD is classified as a minority. 4.B. White 63.77%, African American 30.28%, Asian 0.54% a nd Hispanic 4.44% along with others 0.58%. 5. Jurisdiction information (include ALL: square miles?, population?, type of areas and approx. percentage of each , i.e. residential 35%, business 65%, also type of community policed, i.e. tourist, seniors, etc.). Include any Major crowd drawing, famous landmarks, tourist locations. Like if you did,

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Traditional Folk Media For Rural Development In India Media Essay

Traditional Folk Media For Rural Development In India Media Essay In the introduction to his essay titled Traditional Folk Media for Rural Development D. K. Sujan writes Whenever you and I think of India, we visualize a vast land spread from the lofty Himalayas in the north to the green belt of Nilgiri in the south, from the Indian granary of Punjab to the paddy fields of eastern deltas, with rugged mountains and plateus in between. This land of ours lies in the tropical belt where climatic conditions vary from place to place and time to time. The variety of climate and topographic situations give birth to different cultures, traditions, and philosophies, affecting every mode of life and behaviour of the people One of the key challenges in spreading the message of rural development in India is the diversity that is witnessed when one travels the area of the country. Folk forms from different places show striking similarities to each other but they vary depending on region. This variation results in an inconsistency of rules under which these forms are created or presented. It would be useful to hear to clearly define the terms that are going to be judiciously used within the scope of this paper. The word folk is synonymous with people or society. According to Sujan, the word folk itself connotes the harmonious coexistence of man with nature, his rearing of nature and being reared by it (Sujan, 172).  In the words of C.S. Sreekumar, folklore originated when the weary agricultural labourer was in the habit of singing songs to overcome the weariness of work. In his words Folklore is a medium through which the soul of a people expresses itself colourfully (ww.sikhspectrum.com). Now when artistically folklore is combined with dance or music or art, resulting in artistic fulfilment and entertainment, the end result is called Folk arts. Unlike its predecessor primitive art, folk art possesses a very interesting and different outlook and character. Folk art comes into being after a culture begins to sophisticate, It is languid and very informal and does not require any formal training or license to practice. Another characteristic of it is that folk arts are ingrained into the fabric of the social culture of rural India. It is perhaps the worlds most original art form as they were part and parcel of the earliest civilizations themselves. Sujan claims that all fine arts have their roots in the folk age. Village children pick up the songs and dances when they begin to pick up the language itself (Sreekumar, www.sikhspectrum.com) folk art often performs a specific function or possesses a specific purpose, the needs and peculiar problems of the village people find expression in folk art. Village life is routinely full of religious customs and ceremonies. Folk arts is very closely associated to religion and myth. Most of the stories are based on an mythological framework and often the specific purpose of the folk form becomes to illustrate the Myths and legends in a manner that is interesting and convincing. Folk media is a term that seems oddly, redundant as one is prompted to ask, but isnt all media folk? Another characteristic of it is that it is not static. The folk medium of a village is affected by the standard of life and developments in that village. In short, folk arts reflect the changing tastes of the rural population as their encounters with urbanity become more frequent and intense. While satisfying these needs, it also holds the responsibility of attaining a certain aesthetic level, owing to its status as an art form. There is no doubt that Folk art forms possess their own individuality and character. Their existence is dependent on its intrinsic merit i.e., flight of fancy of the artist, its symmetrical form, its tonal quality etc. To define the word tradition, they are the outcome of the mode, philosophy, ways, and behavioural pattern of a society. Tradition exists in every span of time. Even today we have traditions. Thus, the challenge is that they are easily replaceable. For example, normative patterns in communication often become traditions. Regarding the stereotyping that rural folk media is subjected to, especially the masses Sujan has this to say Whenever we speak of traditional folk media we aptly visualize a rural open-stage theatre with performance of puppetry in its various forms like kathas, gatha, bhajan mandlies, etc. The man of yesteryears praised gods and goddesses with hymns and bhajans, thus giving birth to the earliest musical expression. Music is the basic fine arts element in folk performances. Early man carved his gods out of stone or sculpted him out of mud. This shows that another important element of fine arts was sculpture. The caveman painted pictures of his gods and his own deeds in order to communicate his message to future generations, In this way, the third pillar of fine arts, after music an sculpture came to be painting. Man performed various rituals before the gods and deities to appease them. This was abhinayam or acting, the fourth strong pillar of fine arts. The fifth pillar, of course, i s poetry, which often enhances other fine arts. This elucidates how folk arts and folk media came into being. Whenever there is a folk bhajan mandali to communicate pious feelings and sing the greatness of god, it makes use of music. This music may include both naad and vaad. One can easily see that whenever we refer to folk media such as puppets, nautanki, or gatha, we find that some combinations of the five aspects of fine arts, that is,music, sculpture, painting, acting, and poetry, is present. Incidentally, puppets have the privilege of using all of these five basic elements. It is the urgent need for development of the country which compels us to find ways and means for better, faster, and clearer communication. There are merits and demerits of folk media in development contexts. It was utilized during the conception and inception of the First Five year Plan, having been considered even earlier by economists, social scientists, and communication experts. Both leaders and researches in social and communications sciences are making ceaseless efforts to find more effective communication media for faster development. Incorporating folk media is an important aspect of these efforts. Mass Media and Traditonal Folk Media Let us consider the existing and fast-developing mass media and also the traditional folk media, looking at the advantages and drawbacks of both. This actually means that we should scrutinize the antecedents of both traditional folk media and mass media before merging them together. However, the marriage and amalgamation of these two traditions-modern and historical is a must. Whenever we say Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, we simply scan the cultural and religious background of the people. While uttering the above names we clearly visualise various cultural patters related to these religious orientations. On the other hand, when we say Indian we again visualize a cultural pattern which is Indian. At this juncture the cultural pattern which is related to Hindus, Muslims, etc., disappears. In the same way, when we talk of puppetry, lila, harikatha, folk songs, nautankis, we clearly visualizw the cultural and traditional background of each of the traditona folk media separately. One the other hand, whenever we say modern media we clearly visualize radio, TV, etc. Finally, instead of saying traditional folk media or modern media, we say mass media or mass communication. We naturally visualize all the media together. There are separate cultures and backgrounds for Hindus, Muslims, tribals and city dwellers, but together they are termed Indian. Puppetry, kawwali, nautanki, television, and radio are separate entities, but all of them when taken together constitute mass media. All have a certain power to communicate development messages. Instead of involving ourselves in research to find out the effectiveness and impact of folk media separately, would it not better to integrate traditonal folk media and modern media. The writer suggests that the modern media of South India should adopt regional folklore and communicate to the masses through an amalgamated technique including both traditional and modern entities. People like their traditions and their ways of communication. We should not disturb them in this respect and should adopt the traditional ways into electronic waves. For example, a nautanki of Uttar Pradesh can be telecast through regional television centres. In the same way, a string puppet tamasha may be telecast on TV in Rajasthan. Experimenting with this integration of modern and traditional media will require much study and planning. Putting together such media presentations may be done separately for various traditional folk media with the help of indigenous expertise. Both traditional folk media and modern media are needed for developmental programs, especially for rural development. In this way, the audience for these media include both the beneficiaries and the functionaries. The functionaries help design the developmental programs and the beneficiaries accept and adopt the outcome of developmental programs. Each media should include some of the basic pillars of fine arts along with the intended message. Let us examine the comparative strength and effectiveness of traditional folk media and modern media. Traditional Media Forms Modern Media Forms Cannot be universalised Can be universalised Express deep cultural roots Not culturally specific in any expression Variety of interest patterns Universal interest Cultural barriers Cultural freedom Mechanization is possible Mechanization is a must Training intensive Training extensive Limited area covered Wider area covered May be converted to electronics Totally electronic Direct rapport with the audience Rapport through field studies only By examining these comparisons one can discover that both have their merits. No doubt the nature of the development problem, if analyzed, can provide insights as to which forms may best accomplish a specific communication objective. Media choices require careful consideration of specific information needs and of the limitations of available message-delivery and message-development resources. To sum up, traditional folk media and modern media should be integrated for use in development contexts. This may help interfusing interest patterns of various regional entities. It may also be regions and places, enhancing the feeling of oneness in the country. It could be a force to generate respect between various cultural groups. Finally, this media combination could facilitate fulfilment of specific development objectives. Conclusion It is proposed that instead of being much involved in analysis and counter-analysis of traditional folk media, we should encourage further development of traditional media in itself and then make full use of these media in combination with modern media. We may call it interadaptation of media. Interadaptation of media, inturn, will help depolarize the interest patterns of a nation. By fusing some aspects of subcultures, different groups will come to know each other, understand each other, and come nearer to each other. For example, if we telecast a Rajasthani story (traditional form of communication) on television network, it will not only help to create an interest in the puppets of Rajasthan but also in the people who create them. Folk media, when broadcast or telecast, could increase an understanding of the life of tribal people as well. It could be used to inculcate a feeling that these far-off tribals are also citizens of India, paving the way for a national feeling and national integration of these groups. Apart from fulfilling the specific objectives of communication, the interfused approach using traditional folk media and modern media will help in creating reciprocal respect for each other. All these prospects make folk media, in combination with electronic media, a viable communication form to use in making effective messages for development. Traditonal Folk Media for Rural Development, D.K. Sujan, Perspectives on Development Communication, Editors K Sadanandan Nair, Shirley A White

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Management Policy & Strategy Essay

Management Policy and Strategies course was very interesting and at the same time important for my career goal. I really wasn’t sure what I was going into when I signed up for this course, however I was able to learn much from it, thanks to Professor Dennis Strouble and all of my wonderful classmates. The position that I hold currently at my place of employment is Program Coordinator, however the duties that I am responsible for fall under a manager’s position, therefore I am able to bring information that I have learned in this class to my work place. SWOT analysis section of this course was also very interesting. Even though I had heard of the SWOT analysis before, I really didn’t pay too much mind to it, but now that I took this course I am more knowledgeable about it. Because I can implement SWOT analysis into not only at my workplace but in my personal life, as well, therefore I consider it very important to know. SWOT stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Oppo rtunities, and Threats. Knowing this information and the meaning to it will make me able to input analysis into what I currently do now and in the future. Performing internal and external analysis is an important factor to when managing a business or even a department. Since job plays a manager role, I will be able to perform duties and really look at the department policies and tasks processes and analyze the internal and external areas within the program organization. I deal with low-income families, monthly and quarterly reporting, day-to-day administration, finance, etc. and learning everything I learned in this course will make a positive input to the program, to the organization and most importantly to the federal fund institution that is funding our program. Understanding implementation is an important key to my job. Implementing new ideas and processes is part of my job daily. Therefore, with all the information that I learned which I have not mentioned all, these are some i mportant factors that I will be able to utilize in the business that I am currently in moving forward. Having a professor that actually cares and enjoys teaching (and does a great job at it) really helped me understand the material. I do appreciate the time and effort that you have provided for my classmates and me.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Performance Management Essay

1. Summarize the seven (7) components of the framework for coaching and performances management, and identify which ones you require development in and why. The seven components of the frame work for coaching and performance management are the coaching relationship, insight, motivation, capabilities, real-world practice, accountability, and organizational context. The first and most important step in the performance management process is to communicate what is expected. The should also be identifications of any job related learning needs and possible ways to address these needs. There also needs to be a performance review periodically to make sure that job expectations are relevant and appropriate and revise them if needed. Managers are encouraged to do this jointly with their employees which observing and documenting their performance. Throughout the performance management cycle, you should observe your employees’ performance and identify instances of both good and poor performance. Specific events and details are important for employees to clearly understand the impact, results, and consequences of their performance. Thorough documentation will enable you to recognize good performance and help you to correct poor performance. Provide feedback you should provide frequent feedback and coaching to your employees regarding performance throughout the year. This is especially important for the employee who is performing poorly. To be effective, feedback needs to be immediate, specific, and expressed in relation to a particular outcome and expectation. Deal With Performance That Does Not Meet Expectations. You may wish to enlist the support of your manager. He/she can give you the benefit of his or her experience and provide input and support before proceeding. Also, you can use the services of your Human Resources or Labor Relations Components especially if you are contemplating disciplinary action. They will provide the procedural and regulatory guidance as well as assistance in looking at alternatives and providing resources, intervention strategies, and other support.† (Public service commission) 2. Evaluate the validity of each of the reasons provided for failure in performance management. The reasons provided for failure in performance management versus performance appraisal discipline gap, accountability, measurement scarcity or overload, lack of balance and failure to assess impact. â€Å"There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal: evaluative and developmental. The evaluative purpose is intended to inform people of their performance standing. The collected performance data are frequently used to reward high performance and to punish poor performance.† (Smither, 2009) The developmental purpose is intended to identify problems in employees performing the assigned task. The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill training or professional development. â€Å"The purpose of performance appraisal must be clearly communicated both to raters and rates, because their reactions to the appraisal process are significantly different depending on the intended purpose. Failure to inform about the purpose or misleading information about the purpose may result in inaccurate and biased appraisal reports.† (Cascio, 1998) 3. Identify two (2) of the barriers of success that are evident in preventing successful execution of performance management in a company you know well and recommend a solution to the problems. If you have not worked with or for a company that evaluates employee performance through performance management, imagine what the problems would be based on your knowledge of the company. Be sure to provide your rationale. Future scenarios allow organizations to explore multiple potential futures and generate robust strategies and early warning signs to understand how the future is unfolding. Where a vision articulates a â€Å"preferred future,† future scenarios describe how an organization might achieve its mission in different circumstances or environments. Organizations identify a focal issue or major decision the organization faces and the critical uncertainties in the macro environment, such as social, economic, political, environmental, and technical forces. Scenarios are developed based on combinations of these forces and robust strategies are identified to address multiple futures. Finally, indicators are identified to help understand how the future is affecting the organization’s decisions. In-order to fully understand the rationale past, present, and future analysis would have to be done on different work environments in-order to generally process the full computation of how and HR performance management society would work to stay in constant communication with the employee’s skill set.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The War Of The World War II - 1347 Words

The powerful question still haunts people 70 years after the war’s end: could Adolf Hitler have been deterred from launching the Second World War? Only two decades after the Great War, the greats of the globe were launched once more into a world war. As Germany’s primary opponent, France and Great Britain felt the brunt of casualties of the deadliest war the world had seen by far. They were weakened economically, politically and militarily and unable to stop the nihilistic, yet charismatic, leader of Nazi Germany. With the end of the First World War, German people expected the armistice to be based on President Woodrow Wilson’s lenient Fourteen Points, but instead they received the flawed, cruel Treaty of Versailles. (Road to Conflict, Hickman). â€Å"Political and economic instability in Germany, and lingering resentment over the harsh terms imposed by the Versailles Treaty, fueled the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi) Party† (World War II History, History.com Staff). Burdensome reparation costs demanded from Germany after the Great War, paired with â€Å"a general inflationary period in Europe in the 1920s† caused hyperinflation in Germany (World War I: Aftermath). Economic chaos increased with â€Å"the beginning of the worldwide Great Depression† (Schomp 8). This pandemonium soon gave way to the social unrest that destabilized the Weimar Republic and allowed for many radical right-wing parties to find their way into Germany. Among them was Hitler’sShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The World War II1408 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent levels of the educational system most everyone has talked about the Second World War in great detail. The European and Pacific Theaters were the main focus of many historians and their writing, because war pertained to the audience of the time. WWII revolved around the idea of freedom and liberating the fascist governments of Europe, the homefront back in th e states was the war machine that kept the war churning. Millions of pages have been written about the experiences and battles duringRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1496 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War II was one of the most powerful wars the world has ever had. It was also one of the largest conflicts there has ever been. It was known as a â€Å"world war† because nearly every country in the world was involved. There were many tragic and chilling events throughout the war that were very significant. The war was known as one of the most disastrous wars of all time because of what the nations put each other through. Many innocent lives were taken during this mournful war. About 50 million troopsRead MoreThe War Of The World War II846 Words   |  4 Pageseffected the world is World War II. It is an event that will never be forgotten because of how many different countries were involved and how it affected the Jews as well. During the war, the United States started to put up posters to get people to join the army and there were other countries that convinced the people to invest money into the war. Without the propaganda and the use of artwork on posters and flyers that they used to influence people in the U.S. they may have never won the war. One of theRead MoreThe War Of The World War II864 Words   |  4 Pagesgreat global conflict, the Second World War was the most extensive and lethal war in history, which involved more than 30 countries. It marked more than 50 million military and civilian deaths. Though dumbfounded by the events of December 7, Americans were also determined. President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war against Japan On December 8. The declaration passed with just one rebel vote. After three days, Germany and Italy, connected with Japan, declared war on the United States. America wasRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1463 Words   |  6 PagesIn the early parts of the twentieth century the world was turned upside down in the wakes of the deadliest war it had ever seen in 1914. For the first time, science was playing a large part in the makings of the war, with the invention poison gasses being thrown into the war field. And then, to make matters worse, in 1939, Germany invaded Poland to spark the second of the World Wars. Germany was on a seemingly unstoppable track to take over Europe, and countries such as France and England were alwaysRead MoreThe War Of World War II Essay1323 Words   |  6 PagesSince its end, World War II has been talked about extensively by historians. The lead up to the war, the war itself, and the events after the war have contributed to why the war has been so popular among historians. The unique way the war was fought and the way the war altered the course of history has intrigued historians. Up until World War II, civilians had generally been off limits in war. While you could cause as much carnage as you wished on the battlefield against soldiers, killing civiliansRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1387 Words   |  6 Pagesevents that could bring so many people together while simultaneously tearing them apart-- World War II is one of those events. While the beginning is not set in stone, many will argue that the war all started with the unwarranted German attack on Poland in September of 1939. As tensions rose between countries, conflict began to swell. Over 20 countries were involved, and alliances were established. The war was fought between two major alliances; the Allied powers and the Axis powers. The Allied powersRead MoreThe War Of World War II1640 Words   |  7 Pages After becoming Reich Chancellor in 1933, Hitler swiftly consolidated power, anointing himself Fà ¼hrer (supreme leader) in 1934. Obsessed with the idea of the superiority of the â€Å"pure† German race, which he called â€Å"Aryan,† Hitler believed that war was the only way to gain the necessary â€Å"Lebensraum,† or living space, for that race to expand. In the mid-1930s, he began the rearmament of Germany, secretly and in violation of the Versailles Treaty. After signing alliances with Italy and Japan againstRead MoreThe War Of The World War II1240 Words   |  5 Pageslost loved ones. One of the bloodiest battles in World War II was on June 6, 1944 on Omaha , Juno, Gold,    Sword, and Utah beaches to free France from the Nazis and make them surrender.(D-Day by Martha Brack Martin) People have been told that the cause of the war was because Hitler believed in the perfect race. This may be  true, but  others have different reasons. Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the war to help plan for D-Day and lead them into the war. He was responsible for the whole thing. Franklin  RooseveltRead MoreThe War Of World War II1638 Words   |  7 PagesWorld War II was the most widespread war in history and it directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. This war lasted from 1939 to 1945. The war pinned the Axis nations which were Germany, Italy, Japan versus the Allied nations which were led by Britain and its Commonwealth nation, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States. The Allies were victorious in the War. It was one of the most significant periods of time in the 20th century. The war resulted